Deep Track Cleansing

The name Deep Track Cleansing was given to our unique vinyl record cleaning fluid because it solved the problem that prevented other cleaners penetrating deep into the microgoove where the most stubborn dust collects.

Vinylclear contains highly effective non-ionic wetting agents that changes the dispersion characteristics of the liquid. The unique formulation of the cleaning fluid contains ultra-pure ingredients that penetrate deep into the record groove to gently soften and remove contaminates.

It removes dust, dirt, fingerprints and grease deposits. The formula contains properties that help reduce static electricity to keep your LP & 45rpm records cleaner for longer. The formulation also contains properties that help reduce static electricity to keep your records cleaner for longer.

The effect of this is that Vinyl Clear fluid reaches parts of the vinyl that other cleaners simply cannot reach. We call this effect 'Deep Track Cleansing". It's the reason why professional recording studios choose Vinyl Clear and why it has become the Industry Standard vinyl record cleaner.

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